3 Top Hair Extension looks on Top Celebrities to Ape This Mother's day!

 Mother's day is round the corner and we all are looking forward to our outfits and hair style ideas so me your humble hair extension guide is here to help you with you buying the best hair extensions that will definitely suit your outfit of the day! We are here to talk about the best hair extensions of 2021 to buy at Indique's mother's day sale but before you decide which one to buy check out these looks from our favorite celebs!

1) Ciara Bronde's braid waves!

 The gold and lucious waves hair brings out a perfect celeb look and is super easy to ape. All you need is a pure wavy front lace wig and then just braid up a lil section of it. Tadaa! you are all ready to hit the place with a celeb like feel. This is a perfect gift for your mother to make her feel like a celeb that she is. 

2) Gabriel Union's Relaxed Straight!

Oh My God! She looks like a diva in that relaxed straight hair of hers. The hair are definitely adding to her celeb charm and are major goals for us! To get this look you can simply buy a Ikhanic Straight hair wig into the perfect length that you want and just slay with your mom! This will fetch her so many compliments and she will be all drooled trust me! You can also look for wigs to get this look!

3) Kat Graham's Organic Curls!

There’s nothing sexier than looking amazing without trying too hard. Kat Graham’s hair is long and full of fun. The highlights are painted in perfectly to brighten her hair color as well as her complexion. Don't just awe on it girls get your set of organic curl clip in hair extensions and rule this look like Kat. 

Also ladies to spill the tea, my favorite hair extension brand Indique Hair is having a huge Indique mother's day sale and they are having offers up to 50% off on all of there products. Not only this but they are also having this amazing and fun mother's day contest which is starting from 21st April and all the entries before that will get a pre registration discount! So hurry up girls flood them with your orders now! 
